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cursor: pointer; } .dcbl_ul_li_cont.active+ul{ display: block; } /* .dcbl_ul_li.act>.dcbl_ul_li_cont+ul{ display: block; } */ .dcbl_ul_fist.dcbl_ul_li_cont{ border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE; background: #004090; } .dcbl_ul{ max-height: calc(100vh - 100px); } .down_cont_bt_le .mCS-dark.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar{ background: #999 !important; } .down_cont_bt_le .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar{ width: 2px; } .dcbl_ul_second a, .dcbl_ul_three a, .dcbl_ul_four a{ color: #333; } .dcbl_ul_second.dcbl_ul_li_cont{ border-bottom: 1px solid #EEE; background: #F8F8F8; padding-left: 40px; } .dcbl_ul_three.dcbl_ul_li_cont{ border-bottom: 1px solid #D6D6D6; background: #EEE; padding-left: 60px; } .dcbl_ul_four.dcbl_ul_li_cont{ border-bottom: 1px solid #D6D6D6; background: #E4E4E4; transition: all .36s; padding: 0; } .dcbl_ul_four .dulc_parga{ width: 100%; } .dcbl_ul_four .dulc_parga a{ width: 100%; padding-left: 80px; } .dcbl_ul_li ul{ display: none; } /* A1-1下载页-end */ /* A2-留资信息-start */ .infor_main,.register_main,.forget_main{ background: #F8F8F8; 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} .icbl_code_cont_img img{ width: 100%; } .icbl_code_cont{ display: flex; align-items: center; flex-wrap: wrap; } .infor_cont_bt_sub .mpwb_cont{ width: 145px; } .infor_cont_bt_sub{ text-align: center; margin-top: 70px; } /* A2-留资信息-end */ /* A3-登录页-start */ .register_cont_bt{ border-radius: 20px; background: #FFF; box-shadow: 0px 5px 25px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); padding: 58px; } .rcbl_li{ margin-bottom: 24px; padding-left: 22px; padding-right: 16px; border-radius: 5px; background: #F6F7F9; height: 56px; display: flex; align-items: center; } .rcbl_li:last-child{ margin-bottom: 0; } .rcbl_li_parga p{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 56px; color: #333; } .rcbl_li_parga img{ width: 20px; margin-right: 17px; } .rcbl_li_parga{ display: flex; align-items: center; width: 70px; } .rcbl_li:nth-child(1) .rcbl_li_input{ width: calc(100% - 70px); height: 100%; } .rcbl_li_input{ padding: 0 20px; } .rcbl_li_input input{ width: 100%; height: 100%; font-size: 14px; color: #333; } .rcbl_li:nth-child(2) .rcbl_li_input{ width: calc(100% - 70px - 56px); height: 100%; } .rcbl_li_forget{ width: 56px; } .rcbl_li_forget a{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 56px; color: #004090; display: block; } .register_cont_bt_info p{ font-size: 14px; line-height: 2; color: #999; text-align: right; } .register_cont_bt_info a{ color: #004090; } .register_cont_bt_info{ margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 40px; } /* A3-登录页-end */ /* A4-登录页-忘记密码-start */ .forget_cont_bt{ border-radius: 20px; background: #FFF; box-shadow: 0px 5px 25px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08); padding: 48px; } .forget_cont_bt_parga{ text-align: center; margin-bottom: 30px; } .fcbu_li_icon{ width: 22px; margin-right: 13px; } .fcbu_li_icon img{ width: 100%; } .fcbu_li_parga p{ font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.75; color: #00285A; } .fcbu_li a{ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .fcbu_li{ margin-bottom: 12px; } .fcbu_li:last-child{ margin-bottom: 0; } .forget_cont_bt_num{ margin-bottom: 40px; } /* A4-登录页-忘记密码-end */ /* A5-会员主页-start */ .homepage_cont_le{ width: 342px; } .homepage_cont_ri{ width: calc(100% - 342px); position: relative; border-left: 25px solid #F8F8F8; padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 50px; padding-left: 102px; } .homepage_cont_ri h1{ margin-bottom: 40px; } .homepage_main .dlul_cont_text_tit .c_text1 { width: 100%; padding-right: 0; } .homepage_cont_le_name{ background: #004090; padding: 18px 50px; display: flex; align-items: center; } .homepage_cont_le{ padding-top: 86px; } .hcln_icon{ width: 34px; } .hcln_icon img{ width: 100%; } .hcln_parga{ color: #fff !important; font-weight: normal !important; width: calc(100% - 34px); padding-left: 30px; } .hcll_ul_li_arrow{ width: 12px; height: 12px; position: relative; } .hcll_ul_li_arrow img{ width: auto; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); transition: all .36s; } .hcll_ul_li_arrow img:nth-child(1){ opacity: 0; } .hcll_ul_li_parga{ width: calc(100% - 34px); padding-left: 34px; } .hcll_ul_li_parga p{ transition: all .36s; } .hcll_ul_li_icon{ width: 34px; } .hcll_ul_li_icon img{ width: 100%; } .hcll_ul_li a{ display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding: 28px 55px; border-bottom: 1px solid #ECECEC; transition: all .36s; } .hcll_ul_li.act a{ background: #F8F8F8; } .hcll_ul_li.act p{ color: #004090; } .hcll_ul_li.act .hcll_ul_li_arrow img:nth-child(1) { opacity: 1; } .hcll_ul_li.act .hcll_ul_li_arrow img:nth-child(2) { opacity: 0; } .down_cont_bt_btn{ display: none; } .he_hd_ri_login a{ width: 20px; line-height: 80px; display: block; } .he_hd_ri_login img{ width: 100%; } .he_hd_ri_login{ padding-right: 25px; position: relative; margin-right: 25px; } .he_hd_ri_login::after{ content: ""; width: 1px; height: 12px; background: #0A195D; opacity: 0.5; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } .he_hd_nv{ position: static; transform: inherit; white-space: normal; } .he_hd_lo { flex-shrink: 0; } .he_hd_nul{ white-space: normal; } .he_hd_nli { margin: 0 26px; } /* A5-会员主页-end */ /*鼠标效果*/ @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .dcbr_list_ul_li:hover .dlul_cont{ background: #F8F8F8; } .dcbl_ul_four .dcbl_ul_li_cont:hover{ background: #CCC; } .dlul_cont_btn:hover{ background: #004090; } .dlul_cont_btn:hover p{ color: #fff; } .dlul_cont_btn:hover img:nth-child(2){ opacity: 0; } } /* 2023.12.01新增-end */ /* 2023.12.15修改 */ .dlul_cont_text_tit{ width: 100%; } .pc_fenye li{ position: relative; } .c_gpages .end li::before, .c_gpages .next li::before, .c_gpages .first li::before, .c_gpages .prev li::before{ font-size: 16px; position: absolute; top: 48%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } .dlul_cont_btn_icon{ width: 25px; height: 24px; position: relative; } .dlul_cont_btn_icon img{ width: auto; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); transition: all .36s; } .dlul_cont_btn p{ transition: all .36s; } .dlul_cont_btn{ transition: all .36s; } /* .down_cont_bt_le { padding-bottom: 80px; } */ .dcbl_ul { max-height: 80vh; } .down_cont_bt_le{ height: 80vh; max-height: 80vh; } .down_paddingbot{ padding-bottom: 80px; } .down_cont_bt_ri{ padding-bottom: 40px; } .down_cont_bt_ri{ border-left: none; position: relative; } .down_cont_bt_ri::after{ content: ""; width: 1px; height: calc(100% + 80px); background: #EEE; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; } /* 2024.03.12 - tammy - start */ .ys_cont1051{ width: 1051px; margin: 0 auto; max-width: 100%; } .regist_main .infor_cont_bt { padding: 61px 70px 76px; } .icbl_li.icbl_li3{ width: 33.333333%; } .regist_select .ys_select_xtbbox img, .mult_select .ys_select_xtbbox img { width: 16px; } .regist_select .ys_select_xtbbox, .mult_select .ys_select_xtbbox{ right: 20px; } .icbl_li.icbl_li1{ width: 100%; } .mult_box{ width: 16px; height: 16px; position: relative; top: 2px; } .mult_box::before{ content: ''; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #004090; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } .mult_box img{ width: 12px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.36s; } .mult_select .ys_select_li.on .mult_box img{ opacity: 1; } .regist_select .ys_select_bd, .mult_select .ys_select_bd { background: #F6F7F9; border: 1px solid #eee; padding: 8px 23px 10px; height: 148px; } .regist_select .ys_select_li, .mult_select .ys_select_li { line-height: 1.4; color: #999; margin: 5px 0; transition: all 0.36s; } .regist_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail, .regist_select .mCS-dark.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail, .mult_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail, .mult_select .mCS-dark.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail { background-color: #EEE; } .regist_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail, .mult_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail { width: 1px; } .regist_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar, .mult_select .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar { width: 2px; } .regist_select .mCS-dark.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar, .mult_select .mCS-dark.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar { background-color: #646566; } .mult_select .ys_select_li { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; } .mult_select .mult_font{ width: calc(100% - 16px); padding-left: 6px; line-height: inherit; } .mult_select .ys_select_li.on{ color: #004090; } .sign_name.c_text2, .sign_name.c_text2 p{ color: #7F7D93; } .sign_name.c_text2 span{ color: #D20000; } .sign_li{ display: flex; } .sign_list{ flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; margin: 0 -22px; padding-left: 44px; } .sign_list_item_btn{ width: 17px; height: 17px; position: relative; top: 5px; } .sign_list_item_btn::before{ content: ''; width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid #004090; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.36s; } .sign_list_item_btn::after{ content: ''; width: 53%; height: 53%; position: absolute; background: #004090; border-radius: 50%; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); opacity: 0; transition: all 0.36s; } .sign_list_item.on .sign_list_item_btn::before, .sign_list_item.on .sign_list_item_btn::after{ opacity: 1; } .sign_list_item_font{ color: #7F7D93; font-size: 16px; line-height: 1.75; width: calc(100% - 17px); padding-left: 15px; } .sign_list_item{ display: flex; padding: 0 22px; cursor: pointer; } .icbl_code1{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .icbl_code1_item1, .icbl_code1_item3, .icbl_code1_item4{ width: 21.5%; } .icbl_code1_item2{ width: 34%; } .icbl_code1_item{ padding: 0 5px; } .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_input{ display: flex; align-items: center; } .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_parga, .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_parga p{ color: #7F7D93; white-space: nowrap; } .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_parga { margin-bottom: 0; } .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_input input { padding: 0 6px; flex-grow: 1; } .icbl_code1_img{ cursor: pointer; width: 72px; } .icbl_code1_img img{ width: 100%; } .icbl_code1_item .icbl_li_input{ padding: 0 23px; } .icbl_code1_item2 .icbl_li_input input{ width: 64px; } .icbl_code1_item .mpwb_cont p { font-size: 16px; line-height: 50px; } .icbl_code1_item .mpwb_cont{ width: 100%; } .regist_main .infor_cont_bt_sub{ display: flex; 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